Wedding planner
What will we take care of if we are your wedding planner?
We will make sure that all the details are arranged: from location to catering, to photographer and the best music.
We will keep track of the chosen budget and find the best suitable suppliers and will negotiate prices for your wedding.
We will create an extensive planning until the wedding day so you don't have to worry about what needs to happen and when.
We can organise your entire wedding weekend, including pre- and after-wedding drinks or brunches, accommodations and transportation.
We are the contact person for all your suppliers and guests.
If desired, we take care of your RSVPs and keep track of your guests list (including menu choices, dietary requirements and allergies).
We create the perfect wedding script and communicate this to all your suppliers so everything runs smoothly.
We are the wedding planners on the day itself from beginning till end.
Mostly, we will ensure that you can enjoy your stress-free dream wedding day and the organisation of it as well. It’s going to be a party!