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Iza & Naomi
Pride Inspiration Pizza Party

Date: October 23, 2020

Wedding Planners: The Traveling Wedding Planner

Styling: The Traveling Wedding Planner

Photography: Stevie Peerenboom

Models: Naomi Udo & I za Ijzerman

Make-up: Marissa Coster

Location: Naturel Scheveningen

Florist: Loose Florals

Dresses: Lovely Lane

Suit: Michael & Giso

Shoes: Bronx shoes

Jewelery: Studio Kroewe

Wedding cake: Gebak van Tabak


The idea of this shoot was created in June 2020: the official “Pride Month”. Normally, in July, we can admire the beautiful Gay Pride Parade from our houseboat office in Amsterdam. This year however, Corona didn’t allow the parade to happen. Of course we could not just let it pass by like that.


The “Pride Inspiration” shoot represents every kind of love, as well as equality. This way we hope we can contribute a little to creating a more equal world and society, where everyone gets to love who they wish to love, and marry (or not marry) whoever they want to.

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